Another Adventure

New adventures haven't stopped since we stopped sailing.
Now my adventures are technological.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Friday was the day for Dave to see the ortho doc. He was ready to go anywhere after spending the week on  the couch. The instructions had been RICE:  rest, ice, compresion, elevation. Each day the swelling went down a bit, so that made RICE tolerable. His biggest complaint was using crutches. Being an independent person too, he tried to take care of himself and me. At one point Sherry said "Quincy you have the most stubborn parents."

Good news, Dave was approved to use a cane instead of crutches. Since the fibula is a non-weight bearing bone it is not usually put in a cast. With the swelling down, they could feel for any muscle or ligament problems. Finding no problems and with the ankle x-rays clear it is just a matter of letting the bone heal. Pain is supposed to be the guideline.

It is still difficult for him to do some things so we are happy to have help, particularly dressing me and fixing meals.

1 comment:

  1. I hope Quincy gets opposable thumbs soon and starts making dinner!
