Another Adventure

New adventures haven't stopped since we stopped sailing.
Now my adventures are technological.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Spring is here, according to the calendar, but not the thermometer. My brother and sister-in-law from Wisconsin were visiting the past weekend and it was warmer there than here. I really should stop complaining about the rain as all the plants have loved it. Everything is green and lush. However when the newspaper weather person compares our temperatures so far with Fairbanks and they have had 3 more days over 70 and several days over 80, it makes me wonder. It is much better now as the sun breaks happen more often.

Monday, May 30, 2011

A phone call

What is so special about a phone call? When you have grandsons who don't like to talk on the phone, every call is special. Walker likes to come to our house by himself, so when he called last Monday night that is what we first thought. Instead it was all five of them bearing pie and ice-cream. It had been a busy weekend so it was really fun to see them. Even more special Sam wanted to read to us from his first chapter book. He said he knew it would be hard but he could do it. The expression on his face when he realized he had read 3 chapters was priceless.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I just realized that I left everybody wondering about my lungs. Sorry about that. Everything has been fine since then.  We even had a bit of sun.
In fact we had several days with sun. Dave was even able to mow the without sinking. Some of the boys games have even been made up. We all understand about baseball being called off, but soccer! The parks department was trying to keep the fields from being totally ruined. Lots of good that did, the 2 make-up games played last Sunday were played in pouring rain. The boys thought it was great fun.. No, we didn't go to watch those games.
As much as I complained, it really hasn't been that bad. Last Friday we hit the highest so far this year, 72 degrees. We had other nice days too. A couple of weeks ago it was so nice that Cindy and another neighbour put together a neighbourhood dinner. It was the first time to eat outside since last summer. Everyone was in high spirits.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Saturday was a very interesting day. For some unknown reason I had lots of thick mucus that made me cough. Fortunately I have lots of toys-I mean machines. The cough assist machine is basically a vacuum cleaner for my lungs. It can be set to just suck, just blow, or alternative. This worked good to get a lot of gunk out, but totally grossed Dave out. Now it was time to try a different machine, the suction machine. This one is basically like the one you have all used at the dentist. With a long wand, called the tonsil grabber, I could get more of the gunk out of my throat.  This was the first time for an unexplained situation like that.  We were both exhausted.
Later we were still able to see part of Walkers soccer game and Sam and Miles T-ball game.