It has been a while since I have written anything so these are things that pop into my head and show the strange way my mind works.
Last Tuesday I had spent most of the morning on my computer when the battery showed it was low. I had been pluged in a lot of the time but the charging light was not on. After checking all connections (I do sometimes forget that I am pluged in) Yuki and I decided to call the communication specialist at the ALS association. About the time she had instructed us on removing the back and what to look for on the battery, Dave came home. To make a long story short between that call and one to DynaVox, it was determined that the charger was the problem.
While trying to remain calm my mind was racing to the difficulty I would have without my computer. Once again the ALS association came to the rescue. The loan closet had an extra charger and battery. And that afternoon was the monthly support group so getting them was easy for both of us.
The previous Friday we attended the second annual auction for the boys school. It is so nice to see the growing parent involvement, and the money raised for the music program. The bad part is with fewer kids qualifing for the free lunch program, the less federal money the school gets.
Thursday and Friday were beautiful warm days with the temperature almost hittng 70. After planting pea pods, caregiver Cindy and I decided to put the window sill vegetables in the garden too. It rained on Saturday, Sunday and Monday as expected. What we didn't expect was the snow on Monday night. We will have to wait and see if anything survives. At least the skiers are happy.
Want to know the best thing about not being able to talk? I no longer have foot in mouth disease. There are many situations where I would have said something but didn't or couldn't. Most of the time things are done the way I wanted. Gee, do you think I might learn to be patient?