Another Adventure

New adventures haven't stopped since we stopped sailing.
Now my adventures are technological.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Oh what a beautiful morning

As the song from Oklahoma says: "Oh what a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day". This morning we woke to about an inch of snow. That is enough to quiet everything, and made the world look like it had been covered with a layer of frosting. Even the bare tree branches and the laurel hedge looked like they were dusted with powdered sugar. This snow was perfect, beautiful to look at, but not enough to interfere with our plans. Of course it would be nice to have about a foot so the boys could sled down the driveway. The skiers are all excited about fresh snow at almost any level.

The earliest Rhododendron, a pink one, is blooming outside our bedroom window and peaked through the snow to say good morning. I asked our landscaper to give us something to look at all year, and as everything has matured it is better every year. Camellias front and back are just about finished, and now the rhoddies will each take their turn. Some of the bulbs are peaking out, and the azaleas are showing a bit of green. Now is the time when this California girl gets excited about a change of seasons. It is never old to me. I do have to admit that when I look at a bush without foliage, my first reaction is I have killed it. Each year as the plants green out I can then relax.

1 comment:

  1. You really do have a beautiful garden! Nava and I are excited about our crocuses right now. We like spring too.
