Another Adventure

New adventures haven't stopped since we stopped sailing.
Now my adventures are technological.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Delightful Christmas

I hope everyone had a delightful Christmas as I did. I am blessed with wonderful kids who married equally wonderful people. For the second year we had a sleep over Christmas eve. It started when everyone was talking about coming here in the morning and Walker objected because Christmas is when you stay in your pajamas all day. We had to agree so did a sleep over. It worked out so good we did it again. We do our stockings then have breakfast and finally open presents one at a time. Sometimes we did the Santa present before breakfast. All off this takes time so you can see why Walker didn't want to get dressed and have to wait to start. You might wonder how the just the stockings can be enough before breakfast. Ours are big. I made them when my kids were small and as they got older the quest for stocking stuffers became more difficult. Did that stop me from making them for the boys? No. At least now there are more people to help fill. How big you ask? The biggest apple and orange you can find fill about one third of the foot. It is interesting to see how each one empties their stocking. Walker looks at each item and moves on. Sam looks at everything one at a time and checks to see what it is and how it works. Miles dumps everything out and then looks at what he finds most interesting. After the usual scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage and monkey bread, the fun begins. Some times it takes a very long time because everyone has to look at a present for a while before moving on. Often there is a story behind the gift to share. This year Walker got books and that always brings everything to a stop while he reads the back to see what it is about. Sam is almost as bad. When they read they do not hear anything. We finished opening about noon. Lunch was left overs from Christmas eve dinner. Finally the mean parents : -) insisted the boys get dressed and go outside for a while. A beautiful dry day brought others out too. It was also an opportunity for Kari and Garrett to see the demolition work Todd and his father-in-law had completed in preparation for remodeling. Caregiver Cindy then had time to give me a shower. Soon Kari and Garrett had to leave so they could celebrate with his family the next day. I am definitely spoiled to have them all on Christmas eve and Christmas Day. This year Christmas continued as TCWSM spent another night here. I miss my favorite editor

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