Another Adventure

New adventures haven't stopped since we stopped sailing.
Now my adventures are technological.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Technology is good this time

Visited today with a neighbor that I met because he has ALS. Actually like many people he knew Quincy and had often talked with Dave. Orville attended a support group shortly after diagnosis. Everyone along the route to the kids house know me by sight but I might not know them. When I went into support group Orville said I know you. You are Quincys mom. I am your neighbor. Our common disease gave us an instant bond. Unfortunately he has had a more rapid progression. Caregiver Cindy and I stopped by to see him today. Had to laugh when I thought about it because our two machines were talking to each other. He can still use his hands so he talks faster than I do. It is such a perfect example of the wonders of technology. After visiting I then came home to work on a story using eyegaze. So far I have only used it for times when I am writing stories or blogs at home. I continue to use my foot when out and about. I have discovered a problem using it outside. Weekend before last was sunny and I spent as much time as possible outside. It was difficult to give up sun for writing. Actually I did not give up sun. I did manage to read some with the computer in the shade and part of me in shade. Most importantly I have lived here long enough to know that when it is sunny you get out and enjoy. Now just need someone to invent an eyegaze system that can work outside.

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