Another Adventure

New adventures haven't stopped since we stopped sailing.
Now my adventures are technological.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

third post today - look at others first

Well I was right that Dave did not look good but wrong on the reason.  Turns out he was dehydrated.  This is not good because it stresses his kidney.   He had been drinking ensure at meals but not water and only using his sipper between times.  They ended up giving him a litre of fluid.  Now we need to remember that dizziness and fuzzy thinking are not because of the pain meds but lack of fluid.  Tomorrow morning he goes in for more fluid and then another blood test to determine what happens next.


  1. I love your blog, Cynthia! It helps me to feel connected with what's going on in your lives; how your day progresses and how Dave is coming along. It sort of feels like you left the drapes parted in your lives and are allowing us to peek in.
    I find strength from feeling your ever-positive, humor-filled posts. It helps us all to know that there is another way of coping than we all imagine we might cope - or not cope.

  2. Love the phrase Left the drapes open in our lives.
