Another Adventure

New adventures haven't stopped since we stopped sailing.
Now my adventures are technological.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Yes, Barbara you are right. It has a long time since I have posted. Thanks for noticing. There are several reasons. One is that I had problems with eyegaze on dynavox. Second is the opportunity to try a different device called Tobii. Third is my decrease in leg strength.

Here is the situation. Once again dynavox would not calabrate. Tried several things before calling technical support. Solution was once again to send it in. Oh by the way your warenty is up August 28. I really think the eyegaze has worked less than half the time I have had it. Thinking that learning Tobii quick and easy would solve that problem I choose not to send it in. Looks like I will have to get a loaner any way.

Tobii is taking time to learn and there are some things that are better on each system. I am using Tobii now and you have probably noticed spelling and grammer errors. Although much easier to set up the word prediction is not as good. I have noticed several places where I must have misspelld something when I first used it. A bad speller like me is never sure the word is correct. Now add in the difficulty editing and it is a mess.

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