Another Adventure

New adventures haven't stopped since we stopped sailing.
Now my adventures are technological.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Pity Party

I feeling overwhelmed. The last several weeks have been rough. Most of the problems are small, but when put together they grow.  
I think the biggest one happened last week.   We went out to the van and the ramp would not open. Todd happened to be here and he checked the fuse box.   What we did not know was the fuse for the ramp is in a different place.   After calling the van conversion place and being directed to the override buttons to operate the ramp I did remember Dave showing it to me.   Missed him.   After endearing a horribly rough ride to several appointments we were able to get it in the next afternoon.  They only had a hour time slot so basically did troubleshooting.   Several parts had to be ordered but the controls now worked almost as well as they had.   Even better we now know where the fuse is.   Apparently the van was stuck in the kneeling position giving the horrible ride.   At least it was not the shocks.   Parts are ordered so hopefully all will in be good there.  
One of the places we had to go when the van was bad was the wheelchair repair place.   Somehow I was on a weekly visit with them for:the last 3 weeks.  : - )  Fortunately nothing big needed do and they are really nice people.   Might have to take cookies to them.
Another adventure going on at the same time involved the hole in my throat called the stoma.   The tube going into to had been changed a few weeks,  but it was still goopy.   Taking an antibiotic had not helped.   Since I did not have any other symptoms of infection the doctor decided that more antibiotics would not be helpful.   Instead he suggested that we make a bleach solution called Dakins.   As we were following the instructions on the web site he gave us we had to laugh.   First we had to boil 4 cups of water in a covered pan.   As it bubbled away a memory from high school jumped into my head.   Toil and trouble,  witches brew and witches bubble.   I can not remember the rest but it was something from Shakespeare.  The witches brew and another trache change seems to be working.   So maybe that problem is solved.  
 The next problem is with my computer and that is still being worked on.   The good news is that having a dynavox gives me direct tech support.   When given the serial number they can go directly into my computer.   It is really strange to see the cursor move and screen change without doing anything.   The bad news is that she spent more than an hour and could not fix it.   She is coming back on to keep working later today.  
That is all for now.   I will share tales of lift and sling training when the computer is happier.  

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