Another Adventure

New adventures haven't stopped since we stopped sailing.
Now my adventures are technological.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

and continues

Once again Dave was facing an unknown experience.  Friday was vaccine day.   Carefully following the instructions, he shaved two areas on his thighs preparing for the ointment and tape.   He had to put a glob of skin numbing ointment the size of a fifty cent piece to prepare for the vaccine.   The printed instructions said to cover the ointment with plastic wrap and tape in place.   Much to caregiver Cindy and my disappointment the nurse gave him some clear center bandaids. 

As usual the nurse did the general health review and while the pharmacist thawed the vaccine, she reviewed the possible side effects and what he should do.   When the vaccine arrived in an ice chest with six syringes, each was inserted just under the skin in six spots.  The skin numbing ointment did the job, and the only thing he felt was the cold.   Since it was the first time he had to stay there for an hour to see if there was an allergic reaction.   Each of the six sites did show some redness so his body did respond as expected.   

This morning it really showed a reaction.   Along with the reaction he is experiencing some side effects.   It is not unexpected to have flu like symptoms and general fatigue.   Now we just have to see how long this lasts.   With 3 weeks until the next treatment there should be time for fun.   

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