Another Adventure

New adventures haven't stopped since we stopped sailing.
Now my adventures are technological.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

One step down, how many more to go

Dave had an uneventful endoscopy. At this time he known several things. Using a light anaesthetic does away with the fuzzy head.  But having a tube down your throat and nose leaves a sore throat and runny nose. After the procedure the surgeon said he was able to get good samples and hopefully they provide good information.  While inside he did some sight seeing and found a spot on the liver that he also sampled.  As he looked around he also checked the tumor in relation to the artery.  It doesn't appear to be inside of the artery but is in an area full of veins and arteries. So now we wait again.  The surgeon did promise to call as soon as he knew something.  He called quickly last time so we feel comfortable that he  will again.             My quarterly ALS clinic was on Monday and our favourite lung doctor asked about Dave's doctors. He knows them all and feels they are very good.  One is also a personal friend.  We like him so much that we felt good about anyone he liked. Now we wait and see where the next path takes us.

1 comment:

  1. I hope Dave is doing okay. Let me know if there is anything I can do.
