Another Adventure

New adventures haven't stopped since we stopped sailing.
Now my adventures are technological.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Frustrating Monday

Waking up to a grey, rainy day really set the stage for our mood.  Once again we were playing the waiting game and didn't like it any better.  Saturday had been busy and ended with a whole family dinner.  Sunday was Dave's sermon that had gone so well that there was a bit of a letdown on Monday morning.  Combine letdown, rain and waiting and the result is grouchy, stressed people. 

Fortunately I had an appointment for a wheelchair adjustment so we couldn't snap at each other   Finally mid-morning Laurie, the Clinical Trial nurse, called to say she had all the results but one, and he should qualify and be able to start on Tuesday.  The lab should have it by noon.  Noon came and went and so did 1:00.   At almost 2:00 Dave called Laurie but had to leave a message.  Finally Laurie called back but it was not with the expected information.  The lab had lost the test, could he go in and give another blood sample.  Arrrgh.  Good thing we only live 15 minutes away.  This also meant he could not start on Tuesday and had to wait until Thursday.

Friends bringing dinner helped with good conversation, wine and laughter.  Finally Tuesday afternoon we knew he was in but didn't know which section of the Clinical Trial.   With mixed feelings about the choice we waited again.   Once again I was lucky to have a distraction.   My second BCI (see post on May 7) needed full concentration.   Finally Wednesday morning he found out which group he is in.   Both groups start the same with low dose chemotherapy one day followed by a vaccine the next.  Similar to a TB test the vaccine is inserted just under the skin and creates blisters.  It is supposed to stimulate the immune system.  For him the third round will add a modified version of the bacteria listeria to give his immune system an added kick.  This cycle will be repeated for a total of four times, at which point the doctor will evaluate if the treatment is doing any good.   This is the time when all prayers, good thoughts and anything else will be helpful.

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