Another Adventure

New adventures haven't stopped since we stopped sailing.
Now my adventures are technological.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hey Look at Me

Many of you have not seen me in a while or last saw me with the bipap mask on. The mixed blessing of not having the bipap mask is now I have to comb my hair. Poor Dave has another job that he is really not comfortable with! (At least I go out to get my nails done.) The only morning we don't have a caregiver is Sunday so he has to comb my hair before church.

If any of you have an iPhone or iPad and want to take a stab at reading my lips, you can call Dave's cell and use "facetime" to talk to me. That is sure to drive Dave crazy. Sounds fun doesn't it!


  1. OMGosh! You look terrific Cynthia! Your hair is darling and your smile infectious! I love that you can drive and operate your computer with your foot! Isn't that GREAT! Thank you technology:)

    by the have our carpet on your floor;) love, b and j

  2. Hi! It's great to see you smiling and to read about the updates. It's so amazing all the adaptations that are possible. We wish you all the best and will keep reading!
    Lots of love
    Maia and Huw
